Thursday, March 5, 2009

bye bye binky and one crazy day

I never wanted a pacifier baby but that's what I got! She really likes it. So with advice from our doctor we are trying to break her from it by the time she is one. Which is only 20 days away. We are doing pretty good but look at the pics below. She already had one in her mouth and came across another one so every couple of minutes she would switch them out. It is pretty funny to watch her do this!

Today I subbed in a high school here in Wichita, one of my friends watched Josie for me and she had a blast with her and her kids! I dropped her off at 7:15am and then after school I went to coach my soccer team and after that to teach gymnsatics. I didn't see her until 8:30pm. I have never gone that long with out seeing her, it was crazy. When I walked in the door she was having fun with dad! Taking a bath in the sink in her clothes. Then she smiled and hugged me big time. It was awesome!!!!!


Maisie said...

oohhh...bye bye paci!!! that was a tough one for us. luke caved and gave it back to her after i took it away at night and that sucked!! izzy's done with it now but it was quite the process =) good luck!!!

The Boccias said...

Wow, gone by 1???!! I guess all drs. have different opinions. It is hard though. Sophie also liked having two binkies available. Your little girl is a doll! You asked about doing hair on a baby with as much hair as our girls have--some days it goes better than others! The worst is when she's been crying a lot or gets food in it. :) I use a spray leave-in conditioner in it. She actually lets me put bows in just fine because she knows she needs one to keep the hair out of her face. If I try pigtails and braids and that cute stuff, she has to be distracted with TV or snacks. :)

Good luck getting rid of the binky. I'm wondering if I should have tried the "cut the tips off" trick and hopefully she would have thrown them away herself. I don't know...she might have carried those messed-up binkies everywhere anyway. Thanks for commenting!

By the way, that gymnastics class looks so fun!!!

Anonymous said...

never understand why parents buy binkys just give them daddys c--k to suck and you can feed them at the same time they LOVE come, my girls got mine from soon after birth, the youngest is 17 now and still sucks daddys c--k