Sunday, August 29, 2010

mommy rehab, mom memory

A day early

What I most remember/appreciate about my mom is that she was always there. I don't think I have too many memories without her in them. She let us have our freedom and space but she always played with us. Everything from games and songs to house and dress up. When she took me places she always happily took one or five of my friends. She always included everyone. If she bought me something and a friend was with us, the friend got one too. She coached my sports teams and drove me 2 hours to soccer practice twice a week, so I could be on an exclusive team. She worked off and on while I was growing up, but still she was always there. (my dad was military and she was a teacher so she worked when she could find a job after moving every two years.) God always seemed to know when we needed her to be at home. I hope that I can do the same thing for Josie.


B In Real LIfe said...

Thanks for joining BMR again, I always look forward to your posts!!

Your mom sounds pretty great!

Melinda said...

Being there ... I think that's one of the most important things a mom can do. It's all about being available. That's what they remember.

Brown Apples said...

"God always knew when we needed her there." Ahhh.. that gives me great hope! what a sweet reminder!

Rosario said...

I'm sure you would do just fine. God is with you to help you.