When you are grading grammar tests, and when you have a baby. Josie is 18 months old! Wow I can't believe it. She weighs 23lbs and is 31 inches. She is talking, talking, talking! She says, "I love you momma", "thank you momma", where daddy?" counts to 10 (with help) and can pick out few letters. She says everything we ask her to and it is so much fun to read books with her, when she points to and tells me what the pictures are. She comes to my football games to watch the cheerleaders yell. When they do she stops whatever she is doing to stare. She even picked up a pair of poms and said blue, white! Just like a little cheerleader! Almost every night as I am putting her bed I sing Jesus loves me. Now she picks up her dolls, rocks them and sings Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. When she has no interest in going to bed she says NO Jesus, NO Jesus! She knows that song goes with bed time. My favorite is when I ask her what her name is and she says Josie! I love her little voice. She is growing up and I love watching it! I am way to excited for this weekend. Josie has no fall/winter clothes and I get to GO SHOPPING!!!! It's been such a wonderful adventure with her so far and I can't wait for whats next.
9 months ago
1 comment:
It's so great to be able to read your thoughts on being a mom. You are an amazing mom and a wonderful niece. Have a great weekend.
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