Saturday, January 31, 2009

Spring in January

Today we had a break in the cold weather and so Josie and I went to the park. It was her first time as a walking baby and she just loved it. I took her out of her stroller and followed her around as she tried everything out. (The best a tiny little walking 10 month old can). She loved to watch the big kids run and she would try to catch them and wipe out, but she didn't cry until a big one year old pushed her down. I am guessing however this won't be the last time a boy makes her cry :(

She loved the swing, I'm sure you can tell by the wide open mouth, and very happy looking baby! I am excited for spring and summer and lots of playing outside!

Friday, January 30, 2009


We read the Bible and Josie eats it to get her daily fill :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Josie had her 10 month appointment on Monday and it went really well. She didn't gain any weight but the doc thinks it is because she is so active. She is walking all over the place and hates to sit still! She is grow two inches! She has 6 teeth and loves to eat bananas and grahm crackers. Jeff put her on the counter to get some milk out of the fridge and when he turned around she had a banana unpeeled and was going to town on it! We have a little monkey just like her pj's. I am thinking about going back to school to be a nurse. I have been thinking about it for a little while now and everyone I talk to seems to think I would be a good one. I have started the process by requesting more information, hey it's a start right? So if I could start in the fall I could possibly finish and start working by the time I turn 30. Oh thats scary!! Otherwise I am working very part time teaching gymnastics at the YMCA and hanging out holding onto every moment I have with Josie.