HA! Thats funny!
Jeff lost his job last week! I don't think the gravity of the situation has hit really hit me yet. I mean, yes we have sprung into action and know we can't live for very long off of my income. Already I saved $50 bucks at the store this week not buying things I don't need, but could buy before. Jeff became an instant stay at home dad, so no driving across town for a babysitter (who I love and feel terrible for taking away an income for her as well) I don't handle this kinda stuff very well, which sucks for Jeff because I don't know how to let him be upset, I'm too busy being upset. AHHHHHHH I am a horrible wife =(
What in the world is going to happen, hummm, no freaking idea. This will be a very interesting time in our lives. Thank you God that I have a job and can at least provide insurance for us. We really still have so much and are blessed to not have debt (well school loans, but that's it)
I am learning a lot this year about the unexpected and the swift life changes that seem to happen almost in a matter of minuets sometimes. And to be honest it leaves me a bit confused and wondering...................
sooooo if you know of anyone who needs a hardworking Master's Degree holding HR professional let me know =)
10 months ago