Josie has been learning and growing ALOT this week. She is talking. TALKING!!! The words are starting to just pour out! It all started with ball. I thought I heard her say it and when Jeff came home from work he showed her a ball and asked her, "Josie what is this"? She said, "a ball"! (In a very cute southern accent, by the way.... heehee) Ball turned into baby, and for fun I asked Joise who is that? Out came Belbo (elmo) Then we were in the car she dropped her toy out of reach and said, "uh-oh" And it has not stopped she is a talking machine. She tries really hard to repeat what everI ask her to say. At the zoo today we saw the gorillas and we got la-lilla out of her. I love this stage, she is so sweet!
She loves baby dolls. She likes to lay them down, cover them up, pick them up and rock them in her arms and then give them a kiss before laying them down. I think she likes the space in our new house and she loves to run all over the place! I hope she will be a gymnast because she tries to stand on her head on our big fluffy rug. She is in a cute little mommy and me gymnastics class where she keeps up with the two year olds, and loves to climb up and go down the slide all by her self.
We go to the big kid playground where we shock everyone when they find out she is only 14 months old! She is all over the place and I can't keep her from climbing and sliding. I just pray for her alot :)
I can't believe I don't miss the infant stage, this one is super awesome she is my fav thing and I love her so much! Even if she still wears size 3-6 month shoes!
*on a side note I have lots of pics of above activities. Unfortunatly my computer is not being picture friendly these day, hopefully soon................
but wait look at these on a friends blog (she took some awesome pictures of Josie a few days ago)
10 months ago
So cute! I can't wait to hear her!! Those pics are ADORABLE! :)
She is so cute! She is saying more words than Riley!!!! I guess that I always a difference between girls and boys :)
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