Thursday, February 5, 2009

What a Change of Direction

Well it looks like I am going back to school. I am all registered and everything. It is really happening!!!! Yes I have a BA and no I'm not going to get a Masters. I am going to a community college for an associates. I want to be a nurse. I have been thinking about it for a little under a year now. I am super scared and super excited. I have never ever been very good at science and math and this will be a big time challenge. So I will take this one step at a time starting with anatomy and physiology and college algebra this summer. Then onto microbiology and nutrition in the Fall and God willing I will be able to get into the actual program next Spring. The good news is I have a good friend who is a nurse and I know she will be super encouraging and my husband can help me with math. For the first time in I really feel like I am doing what God put me here to do, besides be a mom to my Teeny Tiny! So I have a few months before it begins but just knowing it is all set in motion really pumps me up.

1 comment:

Maisie said...

how exciting! it will be good to get out and have some intellectual stimulation i'm sure... =)