Thursday, May 7, 2009

These Days

I used to complain that I was lonely and board! Well life these past couple of months has been pretty busy! I have been subbing in the Wichita Public School District almost everyday. I didn't plan on working that much, but I have a good friend who watches Josie and so I feel good leaving her. Josie likes to go to her house, she gets excited when we get out of the car and head to the door. Subbing in this school district can really make you dobut public school! I am so disrespected by these kids, it is schocking! I have been called many names and flat out ignored. I feel sorry for these kids I really do. Honestly it's hard for me not to check out and ignore them right back. Then after school I am assistant coaching varsity soccer at a local private school, where I have been offered a full time teaching job for next year! All I have to do is sign my contract and move into my classroom! (more on that later) Soccer is going great, this is there seccond year as a team and they are learning so much and imporving everyday. Last year they diddn't win a game, this year we have won 5! I love this job but I'm getting tired and ready for summer to take Joise swimming and go to the park and hang out with friends! Jeff is getting to have a couple of hours of daddy joise time every evening and says he has a new respect for me being a stay at home mom, and more headachs :) I am excited that my 16 year old bro is going to spen the summer with us.

Josie is cuter than everAt 13 months. She loves to be outside, petting doggies, and dancing to the Elmo's World theme song. We go to the doctor for check up at the end of the month.

I know won't schock anyone but we are moving in June from our tiney apt to a house! A three bedroom 2 bath with a garage YEA!!!! I can't wait to have more space and a little yard for a little sandbox! We are just renting for a year and hope to build something after that! We will see, who knows.

1 comment:

The Shoup Family said...

Josie is SO cute in her cheerleading uniform :) Congrats on the move! That will be awesome!